Friday, August 12, 2005

Welcome Note

brief intro of myself, I will be 27 soon. Single and boring.

According to a certain fortune teller, i was either an emperor in China or a Tzar in Russia in my past life. This I shit u not. I was a cruel ruler who kept on increasing tax, u know, like those depicted in Hagar the Horrible comic strip. And I had alot of concubines too. Apparently, I was tall and with brooding good looks. Well, I guess these features was discounted in this life time. Sigh.

My gawd, I am getting old. especially whenever i am in a shopping mall, mamak (or bistro as it is known today), i cant understand a thing these young adults r talking about.

Anyway, at press time, I am in Starbucks with my dearest sweetheart (WINNIE).She is giving opinion on how to make this blog as a candidate for blog of the yesteryears. Some of her ideas are wacky, but most of it are mundane.

Well, I got to go to do some charity work (Robin Hood Style). Though I am having a body like humpty, but i move like spidey. FATabunga!! Will update when u guys r free. Stay tune...

May the "F00" be with u.

1 comment:

Winn said...

Congratulation.. u are officially a stupid blogger! with my wacky and mundane-not ideas, ur blog will stand a chance to be voted as blog of the black-listed blog category........muahha. thanks for yesterday nite. u owe me starbucks!!